Tag Archives: advertising

Branding “U” – Clients Are Questioning Their Business Models, and Agencies Can Help

Great article from Jeff Welch of Mercury csc , regarding having companies figure out what business they’re REALLY in.  The outside view of an advertising agency can help in that process.  Remember, if U can’t measure, U can’t manage.  Thanks, Jeff!

Marketing, dogged by the old adage, “I know half of my advertising works, I just don’t know which half,” has long been viewed as Uncertainty’s handmaiden.  It’s one of the main reasons that marketers have rushed headlong into all things digital. “Now we measure everything,” the thinking goes — as we should.

Yet much to the industry’s dismay, Uncertainty lingers.  That’s explained by another wise old adage: “The best form of advertising is word of mouth.” Word of mouth doesn’t occur unless you do a lot of things right.  Really right.  Experientially right. Advertising can’t gloss over anything. s

Read rest of article here…

What Business Are U Really In?

Brand-U-Media was created to tell YOUR story about YOUR brand.  People do business with people they know, like, and trust.  U achieve this by personally telling your targeted audience, what makes U different…what makes U special?   In other words, what business are U really in?

Our job is to help you define that story…and from that, create a compelling message. Then, we find the right medium and media product that will speak to your desired market and focus only on them – again and again!

No waste…highly targeted…it’s how to get people to think of U first and like U best.

People Do Business with People They Like/Trust…

Had mid-morning coffee yesterday with a former colleague/competitor in the Charleston radio marketing arena.  While we only met  in person on several occasions and heard about each other through the grapevine; there has always been a mutual respect for one another.

Now, he is the rep for his company to my clients; and I will buy from him, probably soon.


Well, for one, his media properties are very effective, reaching across a wide spectrum of loyal users.  And, of course, with the right idea, message and marketing plans, my clients could certainly benefit from purchasing advertising on his radio stations.

But at the end of the day, the most important reason why I will buy from him is that I will be buying from him.  I genuinely like the guy.  And, after spending two-hours face-to-face with him yesterday, I got to like the guy even more.  While we have many ideas and beliefs in common from a business perspective, I also respect him…I trust him to help me help my clients succeed.

He didn’t come in with a big sales pitch…we simply talked about many different things; both of us understanding why we were REALLY there.

Regarding your business – what makes U different…what makes U special?  

If U want business to get done in your favor, make sure people like U best, so that they will think of U first!

Provolone Cheese & Word of Mouth – The Best Form of Advertising…But, How?

Busy day for Brand-U-Media as we did a morning-drive interview on a local radio show, followed by a live TV segment for a client.  For the most part, everything went off without a hitch; although, we did have to race to a local grocery store to purchase 1/3 of a pound of provolone cheese at the last second!

Of  course we all know that word of mouth is truly the best form of advertising, in whatever we do.

But how do U achieve that effect?

Do U REALLY have the time to talk to your potential customers one-at-a-time?  Or, do U entrust a company to look out for your best interest and act as your “agent”; finding U not only the best deal, but the best avenue to generate that “word of mouth”?

How do U tell your business’ story!  What makes U different…what makes U special?

People Forget…

It’s amazing how what we once thought was so important, easily slips from our memory over time.  The same can be said about the message to your customers – both current and potential.  Are U consistent and focused with your message?  Even if U are the type that believes they have “enough business”, U soon find that things change; people move or die, or they simply change habits.   Persistent consistency keeps this from happening.  So does having an ad agency in your corner who will keep U focused on what your story is.