Tag Archives: Storytelling

Good for External & Internal Marketing – How to Use Storytelling as a Leadership Tool

Want to know how important “storytelling” is in business?  Check out this article from Forbes Online from Dan Schwabel.  Whether it is internal or external marketing of your company or brand, storytelling is the key to success.

People will tell stories about you and your company whether you want them to or not. Fortunately, you can help choose which ones they tell. The way you do that?  You tell them first.

Full article here…

Storytelling At Its Best!

It was over 10 years ago, during my media sales career, that I learned how important effective storytelling is in conveying a message that people will pay attention and respond to.  Last night, I was reminded of why the legendary comic, Bill Cosby, has been so popular and beloved over multiple generations…

Simply put, he is a master storyteller.  

After seeing Cosby‘s (who is now approaching 80) most recent concert on TV Land over the holiday weekend, I decided to YouTube one of his classic routines from 1968, “To Russell, My Brother, Whom I Slept With”, and play it for my daughters.  This was a routine that my older brother and I memorized word-for-word back in the day.  Fast forward to now and I still remember most of the routine by heart.

As a kid, I remember being able to visualize each aspect of The Cos having to sleep in the same bed as his younger brother and the mayhem that ensued.  Sure, there were exaggerations to his story; but that is what made it so engrossing.  (Click below to listen)

Bill Cosby has always been able to get you on his side and pull you in to his world.  That is what effective storytelling does.  Most people genuinely like Bill Cosby, and therefore are more apt to pay attention to his message.

When it comes to your small business, what story do you tell?  Is it all about you? Or, do you focus on helping people solve their problems and getting people to WANT to do business with you?

Would love to hear from you…

If You Are Not Telling Your Story, You’re Just a Commodity!


We’re in the process of interviewing with a potential client, whose competition is – at minimum – with eight other businesses around the immediate area.  So, how does he sell his product more effectively and in turn, increase revenue?

He needs to take the message internally and tell his business’s story at the local level.

There’s a great article in Inc. Magazine a few weeks back about the 7 ways to tell stories (truthful ones) online.  These 7 tidbits not only apply online, but in any sort of marketing/advertising your company does.

Consumers don’t care about you. They care about what you mean to them. And meaning comes from stories. When you tell your company story, you become more relatable. And when consumers relate to your brand, they’ll buy from you.

Dig deep…find stories from your employees, your customers…get prospects on your side.

People do business with people they like and trust.  If you want it to be about U, it has to be about them!

Would love to know your thoughts or experiences…

The Future of Storytelling in Your Marketing and Branding…

Without certain, media and how it is delivered has changed, especially, over the past five years.  I just read a great quote (featured in Rohit Bhargava’s blog.  The quote is from Brian Seth Hurst at the (of all things) first-ever storytelling conference, held recently:

“One of the greatest mistakes people believe is that technology changes the essence of the audience, because it doesn’t. It changes the way they participate.”

Great line, especially as it pertains to you’re the marketing and branding of your business.  Sure, we now have social media avenues popping up daily, and we need to understand the analytics that come with them.  But, in the end, it is still essential that your business must build that emotional connection with its consumers and potential consumers

Bhargava’s post also included this important quote from the conference:

“Customers don’t mind the story if they really feel like you’re doing it for them.” (Richelle Parham, CMO of eBay)

Bhargava went on to comment:

“How important is the story to actually making a sale? To find the answer, eBay commissioned an interesting social experiment where they worked with a group called Significant Objects to create stories for everyday (and relatively useless) items. The aim was to see if people would actually pay more for story value as opposed to “real” value. The answer was a resounding yes.”

A client of ours at Brand-U-Media had issues with their social media engagement.  They had fallen into the all too common trap of selling price and the deal.  Once we had them truly engaging with their audience and including postings that could become viral, their analytics increased as well as their business.

Like U Best…Think of U First….

No matter how U slice it or where U brand it.  Storytelling is your “secret sauce” to success.

Your thoughts?


Read Rohit Bhargava’s blog:  http://www.rohitbhargava.com/